By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 21:36 EST, 16 July 2013 | UPDATED: 21:36 EST, 16 July 2013
MasterChef judge Graham Elliot underwent weight loss surgery on Tuesday after tipping the scales at nearly 400 pounds.
The 36-year-old cooking extraordinaire had a one-hour sleeve gastrectomy procedure to remove about 80 percent of his stomach and create a small, banana-sized sleeve-shaped stomach.
The Chicago-based chef at age 27 became the youngest four-star chef in the US and joined the judging panel on MasterChef in 2010.

'Weight is something I've battled all my life,' Graham told magazine a few days before the laparoscopic surgery. 'It's hard to get in and out of a car, tie my shoe or play with my kids.'
Graham is the father of three sons, six-year-old Mylo, two-year-old Conrad and 10-month-old Jedediah.
The winners of last week's MasterChef challenge joined judge Gordon Ramsay at Major League Baseball's All-Star Game on Tuesday night at Citi Field in New York City.

Graham posted a message on Twitter saying he was missing the All-Star Game due to the surgery.
'Can't make #AllStarGame. Time to focus on my #AllStar family; undergoing weight loss surgery. Thanks for all your support!,' he tweeted.
Graham has cited his health and family as main reasons for undergoing the procedure.

'What's going to make me healthy is the most important thing right now so I can enjoy my kids and be around long enough to see them grow up,' he told People.
The sleeve gastrectomy procedure is the fastest growing weight-loss surgery in the US and reduces the stomach to about 25 percent of its original size.
'I will feel full quicker because my stomach is that much smaller. I won't need six cheeseburgers to feel full,' Graham explained.

Graham said he chose the irreversible sleeve gastrectomy procedure because gastric bypass surgeries sometimes leads to some foods causing sickness.
'This procedure will allow me to still taste and try everything,' he said.
MasterChef airs on Wednesday at 8pm on Fox.