Cape Town - The iStore launched a new fitness app, Fitbit, in South Africa.The app, which is free for iPhone and Android, will help you monitor your weight, sleep patterns, track your step count and distance as well as calories burned. You can also automatically sync your data to selected smartphones wirelessly. Fitbit was founded in 2007 when Eric Friedman, co-founder and chief technology officer, and James Park, co-founder and chief executive officer, realised that sensors and wireless technology had advanced to a point where they could bring amazing experiences to fitness and health. They decided to create a wearable product that would change the way people move.Fitbit consists out of a variety of wireless trackers and people can choose which tracker will work for them.Throughout the day you must log your meals, water and workouts on your tracker to see your progress and to make sure you reach your goals.You can also challenge your friends and family by connecting with them on Fitbit and compare your stats and progress. People using Fitbit also earn badges for their daily, weekly and lifetime achievements. The trackers are already available from iStores nationwide. The cost of the Fitbit Zip is R899 while the Fitbit One and Fitbit Flex both cost R1 299. The price of the Wi-Fi smart scale is R1 999. People who are making use of Fitbit and are on Discovery Medical aid can also earn Vitality points if they meet the goal of 10 000 steps a day. - Follow Chantelle on Twitter.