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32-year-old former Spearmint Rhino dancer opening her FPS Fitness Studios, in Hall Green, Birmingham

Lisa Darcy

Cricket WAG Lisa Darcy is hoping to strip away unhealthy habits by teaching Midlanders how to POLE DANCE.

But the 32-year-old former Spearmint Rhino dancer has admitted that her acrobatically challenging moves have not helped her partner, Warwickshire wicket keeper and batsman Tim Ambrose, become an all rounder.

Lisa began dancing when she was 21.

She had just been made redundant from a car parts factory and got offered a bar job at Spearmint Rhino on Hagley Road, in Edgbaston, Birmingham.

But as soon as she arrived at the club they offered her a job as a dancer instead.

"I gave it a go that same evening and it went well, so I carried on from there," says Lisa from Solihull.

"I really enjoyed the pole dancing - I was working out and learning a new skill."

"I trained to teach and moved to Sheffield for a while. There, I was teaching girls in Wild Cats and other clubs. Most of them wanted to learn a new profession.

"These days I'm more into the fitness side. It's a great sassy workout, a great way to get fit.

"They are even talking about including it in the next Olympic Games.

"The classes also great fun for hen parties, especially with a Champagne reception to start."

Lisa is today celebrating the opening her FPS Fitness Studios, in Hall Green, Birmingham, with Tim, aged 30, who has found time away from playing with Warwickshire and watching his former England team-mates take on Australia in the Ashes to help her get the club ready.

"Tim isn't really into learning how to pole dancing himself!" she says. "He has helped me to set up the studio though. He put some of the poles up.

"He did try a couple out - men usually can't resist giving them ago.

"I'm not sure pole dancing is the best way to train for cricket, although we have done some stretching exercises together."

Lisa is also planning to work as a personal trainer with people with diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure who can be referred to her by their GPs.

"I do general fitness work, and I am looking to equip the studio for gym shy clients who want to work out without feeling uncomfortable," she adds. "I am currently progressing my career to be a qualified in GP Referral and Masters in Diabetes aind Obesity.

"But the pole dancing classes are open to anyone who is interested, so if anyone who comes to me for general fitness is interested in trying them out, then that is fine.

"It is fantastic for high blood pressure - you can use all different levels so you don't over exert yourself."

Lisa runs Pole Fit, Pole Dance and Stretch and Strengthening Classes on weekday evenings for anyone over 18 years. Clients aged 16 and over must have parental consent. FPS Studios are also open for Hen Party Bookings and Private Bookings at all other times.

Lisa Darcy

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